Getting my thesis

My doctoral thesis on "symbolic model checking" can be obtained in one of three ways:
  1. To get a paper copy of the original CMU thesis, contact the following address and as for tech report CMU-CS-92-131.

    Computer Science Documentation
    School of Computer Science
    Carnegie Mellon University
    5000 Forbes Avenue
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891

    Office: WeH 4212
    Office Phone: (412) 268-2596
    Affiliates Contact: (412) 268-8525

  2. A revised edition is available in hardback:

    Title: Symbolic Model Checking
    Author: McMillan, Kenneth L.
    ISBN: 0-7923-9380-5
    LC catalog number: TK7888.4.M43 1993

    Kluwer Academic Publishers
    101 Philip Drive
    Assinippi Park
    Norwell, Mass 02061

    Price: $76.

  3. Download in PDF format.

Ken McMillan
Last modified: Fri May 26 17:01:48 PDT 2006