by Edmund M. Clarke and Orna Grumberg and Kenneth L. McMillan and Xudong Zhao
Efficient Generation of Counterexamples and Witnesses in Symbolic Model Checking (Edmund M. Clarke and Orna Grumberg and Kenneth L. McMillan and Xudong Zhao), In Proceedings of the 32st Conference on Design Automation, San Francisco, California, USA, Moscone Center, June 12-16, 1995., 1995.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Edmund M. Clarke and
Orna Grumberg and
Kenneth L. McMillan and
Xudong Zhao},
title = {Efficient Generation of Counterexamples and Witnesses in Symbolic
Model Checking},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32st Conference on Design Automation, San Francisco,
California, USA, Moscone Center, June 12-16, 1995.},
pages = {427--432},
year = {1995},
url = {DAC95.pdf},
doi = {10.1145/217474.217565},
timestamp = {Thu, 16 Mar 2017 00:00:00 +0100},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}